Well-being washing: part II
Employee | Employer | mental health | wellbeing

Well-being washing: part II

Building a healthy work environment requires thoughtful action. How do you make your employee wellbeing strategy a reality?

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End of the year: time for summaries
personal development | self-awareness

End of the year: time for summaries

We say goodbye to the old year, and this for many of us means a time of reflection and summary. We analyze personal and professional experiences gained throughout the year. What is worth doing at this time?

Digital Hygiene
mental health | reports

Digital Hygiene

Today's occupational hygiene means much more than safety and protection — in the age of technology, it means a healthy relationship with digital technology and taking care of your well-being.

OZN on the labor market
DEI | diversity | equality | job market | reports

OZN on the labor market

People with disabilities are playing an increasing role in the discussion of inclusivity and diversity, although we still need more content to help see their situation in the labour market.

Lifelong learning: personal and professional benefits
career | job market | personal development | upskilling

Lifelong learning: personal and professional benefits

Learning throughout life brings many positive effects. We not only develop our competencies, but also take care of the state of our mind, which allows us to better find ourselves in the dynamically changing labor market.

Male and female professions: role swapping?
career | Gender Gap | job market | reports

Male and female professions: role swapping?

Even though we are increasingly moving away from gender stereotypes in the professional field, we can still be surprised to see a woman or man doing a job “belonging” to one of the sexes.

leadership | reports

Wobec nieprzewidywalnego rynku i dynamicznych zmian społecznych, dzisiejsi młodzi liderzy stają przed wieloma wyzwaniami. To od nich zależy, jak kształtować będzie się kultura organizacyjna przyszłości. Jak adaptować się do zmiennej rzeczywistości?

Motivation in the work environment
Employee | Employer | leadership | mental health | reports

Motivation in the work environment

Building a healthy work environment based on motivation and authenticity is currently one of the key topics in management. How best to support both employees and executives in the face of the challenges of today's world?

Artificial Intelligence in the media: the example of Radio OFF
job market | News | reports

Artificial Intelligence in the media: the example of Radio OFF

In the media, artificial intelligence is playing an increasing role, shaping the labor market, as well as influencing the way content is created and distributed.