
Well-being washing: part II

Building a healthy work environment requires thoughtful action. How do you make your employee wellbeing strategy a reality?

Well-being washing: part II

The topic of well-beeing may seem vague at first, as it concerns the mental, physical and emotional health of employees, which together make up their well-being. If we do not thoroughly analyze each of these aspects, it is easy to fall into the trap of “well-being washing” - superficial activities that bring little. In such a situation, the effect can be one: the initial positive image of the company will turn out to be unsustainable, employees will feel disappointment, and the costs incurred will be wasted. It is much better to carefully analyze this strategy and develop a plan that will benefit both the company and its employees.

At the beginning, it is also worth paying attention to a few things that can go wrong in a well-being or that we are afraid of. First of all, boundaries are important; in order to offer professional psychological help to employees, we must bear in mind that psycho-emotional matter is delicate. It is worth thinking about this topic and clearly delineating how employees can benefit from therapeutic advice. Secondly, just broadening our own awareness to all of the elements of well-being, that is, the mental, emotional and physical health of employees will allow us to understand the essence of the problem. In this regard, it is worth training the management staff and other employees, collective education is a common goal.

The element of well-beeing in the context of work

Mental Health includes stress reduction, management and problem solving on both an individual and team level. It is closely linked to building a sense of security and trust in the organization, which translates into greater work comfort and better relations between employees and the employer.

Physical health It is about ensuring a safe working environment and protecting the health of workers. It is not only an offer of benefits, such as gym passes, but above all care for the basics — starting with ergonomic office equipment, the right tools and equipment to minimize the risk of injuries. A key role is also played by health prevention, including regular medical examinations, vaccinations and workshops to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Emotional health is building good relationships at work, based on integration strategies and mentoring. Effective communication and regular feedback, showing appreciation and appreciation of employees' achievements, as well as supporting work-life balance (e.g. through flexible working hours or the possibility of remote work) play a key role here. Taking care of these aspects has a positive effect on the commitment and satisfaction of the team.


Many companies complain about well-being, which later translates into the actual state of affairs, that is, real support of the workers of the organization. According to the Claro Wellbeing survey from 2022, as many as a third of companies engage in so-called “wellness washing”. While 70% of employers take action to celebrate mental health awareness days, only 36% actually translate these initiatives into real support and concrete actions for employee well-being.

Due to the presence of the slogan well-being in the media, the awareness of employees has increased and they are paying attention to it more and more often. A February survey by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health found that more than half of workers (51%) see wellbeing washing as a significant issue in their workplace.

The importance of a well-being-strategy in building a company's performance cannot be overlooked; Aon's 2021 report, compiled in collaboration with IPSOS, shows that there is a clear link between employee well-being and company performance. Globally, only 55% of companies have developed a wellness strategy, of which only 24% fully integrate it into their overall business strategy. In Poland, this percentage is also 24%. This shows that it is worthwhile for this strategy to be solidly developed - otherwise it is just a waste of time and an expenditure of money. According to the Aon report The Rising Resilient Only 30% of employees show resilience in the work environment, which means that less than a third can successfully adapt to difficult situations, cope with stress and maintain motivation.

Polish study from 2020, conducted by Activy and published in the report The future of wellness and employee benefits — a new order!, analyzes the way in which wellness programs are implemented. It was attended by 1200 employees from several hundred companies. The results confirm global trends — only 25% of respondents rated their employers' commitment to safety and health care as high.

How to create a real well-beingw workplace?

According to the Midgram initiative, which is dedicated to democratizing access to psychological care and development and supporting employees and companies in building strength, resilience and psychological balance, there are several key areas that cannot be missing in the well-being strategy.

Versatility It includes 5 benefits:

  • Physical well-being, that is, concern for physical condition and promotion of lifestyle medicine: balanced nutrition, giving up stimulants, taking care of sleep hygiene, developing positive habits and leading a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • Psychological well-being is the ability to understand and manage emotions, cope with life challenges (e.g. loss of a loved one, loss of a job, separation), overcome everyday difficulties and build psychological resilience.
  • Occupational well-being, which is a protection against professional burnout, effectively dealing with stress, anxiety and anxiety, as well as increasing productivity and satisfaction with the work performed.
  • Social welfare strengthening relationships with others, building a sense of belonging and integration, developing communication skills and discovering oneself in different social roles.
  • Financial well-being, gives a sense of financial security, the ability to meet current obligations, confidence in planning for the future and the ability to make choices that increase the comfort of life.

Effectiveness: Performance evaluation, i.e. setting measurable goals and verifying them regularly, e.g. reducing absenteeism, improving engagement results or increasing job satisfaction.

Personalization: Humans vary biologically, psychologically, socially, and culturally. Everyone comes from a different environment and has different needs, so the strategy should be tailored individually to these differences.

Counteracting stigmatization: The company should ensure that it creates a safe and supportive environment that promotes mental health and encourages employees to use available forms of support. Addressing the stigmatization of those in need of help is key to ensuring the well-being of employees.

Use of data: Carrying out surveys, creating engagement reports and, most importantly, through active communication with employees - this is how we can collect valuable, useful for us, measurable data. Activities in the field of internal communication, the promotion of educational materials and the conduct of information campaigns are key.


  1. Ensuring the security of the infrastructure, data protection and the ability to share sensitive information — which is the foundation of therapeutic processes.
  2. the safety of the methods of psychological support used, which should be clinically confirmed. The company must be sure that when offering assistance as part of an early or crisis intervention, it uses only qualified professionals with proven competence and appropriate education. This element is important in the context of the unregulated profession of psychologist and psychotherapist in Poland.

A well-beeing strategy is also an aspect of profitability. If it is well thought out, it helps to increase employee retention and attracts the best specialists. Acting with prudence and sincere intentions, it strengthens the company's image, improves the quality of work and positively affects the entire professional environment. Investing in a well-being program can benefit both employees and the company's performance, so it's worth investing in it.


An effectively implemented well-being strategy not only supports the health and well-being of employees, but also translates into long-term benefits for the company, such as greater retention, higher productivity and a better image. The key to success is authenticity of actions, personalization and basing strategies on measurable data and proven solutions.




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