Procrastination is a phenomenon known for centuries - its name comes from the Latin word procrastination, denoting postponement or delay. It consists in postponing important tasks for later, which is often accompanied by a feeling of freezing and inability to take action.
The problem of procrastination is not only dealt with by psychology, which at the same time proposes solutions to help get out of this state. Since ancient times, this phenomenon has been of interest to philosophers, who until the present time often perceived it in a more positive light. They pointed out that man is not only the sum of actions taken in the external world, but also a reflective being. The capacity for reflection, contemplation, and deep self-reflection—often associated with procrastination—can testify to a worthwhile and happy life.
In the modern world, in which the narrative of the need to be productive dominates, it is increasingly difficult for us to accept the state of the so-called. nothing to do. While rest and breaks can be beneficial, procrastination is not always — because it is associated with stress, fear of failure and growing arrears. However, it can also be an important warning signal for us: perhaps a given task has lost its meaning for us, is not in line with our values or arouses in us the fear of making a mistake.
To better understand what procrastination really is, it is worth looking at its definition, causes and consequences.
In an article by SWPS researchers (Ewa Wiwatowska, Jarosław M. Michałowski, Dominic Tchaisky) Decreased preparatory activation and inattention to cues suggest lower activation of proactive cognitive control among high procrastinating students published in Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience (2022) the results of a study on procreation and cognitive control are presented.
The participants in the study were students with low and high procrastination propensity and a psychometric tool was used to measure the level of procrastination Aitken Procrastination Inventory (API). The sample consisted of 1968 students from various universities in Poznań, but for further analysis they were selected 160 participants (80 with high and 80 with low propensity to procrastinate).
What is proactive control? It is a cognitive mechanism that allows planning, anticipating and preparing for future events. Information in this form of control is kept in working memory and used to regulate behavior in advance, even before the appearance of a stimulus requiring a reaction.
Control can be divided into:
- Proactive: one that is based on anticipation and preparation for the task (e.g. planning a learning strategy for a long time before the exam date)
- Reactive: the one that is triggered only by some stimulus, when an immediate reaction is needed (e.g. learning under time pressure, the day before the exam).
When we have a procrastination problem, it usually means that our proactive control is weakened and, as a result, we are more likely to act under time pressure, relying on reactive control. Such functioning often leads to difficulties in scheduling tasks and organizing time. It is worth mentioning that this problem is especially relevant for neuroatypical people with ADHD, since due to their deficit in executive functions, which are responsible for organizing, planning and anticipating the consequences.
A study by SWPS researchers suggests that procrastination may be the result of deficits in cognitive control, such as difficulties in planning, organizing, or managing attention. In the analysis, procrastination is presented as the phenomenon of voluntarily postponing or delaying the execution of intended actions, despite the awareness that such conduct may lead to an aggravation of the situation.
As Jarosław Michałowski, PhD, professor at SWPS University (co-author of the study, head of the Laboratory of Neuroscience of Emotions), says:
In addition to lower values for some indicators of proactive control, those with a high procrastination rate also showed slower responses throughout the task, which may be due to inattention to cues and reduced preparatory activation prior to probe presentation.
This means that those who had high level of procrastination, Reacted more slowly on stimuli and characterized Worse proactive control. One of the reasons for the slower response may have been distraction Insufficient focus on signals appearing in the study. People with high procrastination reacted more spontaneously and chaotically, which slowed their reaction time, they did not prepare in advance, and their preparatory activity was lower.
Occupational procrastination
In the article Occupational procrastination — a conditional analysis (2024) Dr. Mirosława Czerniawska from the Bialystok University of Technology describes this phenomenon as deliberately delaying work-related activities, without the intention of harming the company or colleagues. According to the data, it concerns approx. 25% of the working day of most people, most often in the form waste of time or vacuuming in cyberspace.
What are the effects of procrastination in the professional space? Of course, this is a loss for the organization, since it reduces efficiency or simply delays tasks or negatively affects their continuity. However, for the employee himself, it can also have a series of consequences, not only related to his professional career, but to his mental health and well-being.
Procrastinators experience more physical and stress-related illnesses, such as insomnia, migraines, gastric disorders, and infections (Tice & Baumeister, 1997; Sirois & Kitner, 2015; Sirois et al., 2015). Their psychological well-being is reduced, while the feeling of discomfort, anxiety and confusion increases (Beutel et al., 2016). The human age can become a victim of its own procrastination and pay a high price for it. (Chernivskaya, 2024)
Procrastination can lead to lower wages, shorter employment and longer periods of unemployment, among others.
Employees who have a problem with procrastination feel less agency, their locus of control is external. They may therefore tend to attribute both successes and failures to fate. When our sense of control is internal, our agency increases and procrastination decreases. In the article, the author also points out a decrease in positive energy, less motivation and a problem with maintaining attention (impulsivity, distraction). It is also worth noting other personality traits that can favor procrastination, and they are:
- Neuroticism
- Perfectionism
- Impulsivity
The characteristic that usually favors action and lowers the level of procrastination is conscientiousness and consistency in action.
How to counteract procrastination?
According to research, we can implement several actions that will help us get out of the traps of procrastination and make our work healthier and more effective for us.
First of all, it is necessary to identify its sources:
- lack of a clearly defined goal,
- the nature of the task (whether it is boring, difficult, stressful for us),
- lack of resources or information to complete the task,
- fear of mistakes or failure,
- lack of environmental support.
How can we help each other?
It is worth supporting yourself with self-regulation techniques, but also in a broader context to see the problems resulting from poor organization of work in the company and even the lack of social and institutional norms!
Strategies to support job performance include:
- setting clear goals,
- Eliminate distractions (e.g. social media)
- good task planning,
- work in short but intense blocks of time (Pomodoro technique: eg 25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of break),
- Appreciate small successes.
Is every procrastination bad?
Not necessarily. Sometimes procrastination is a very important signal - perhaps something in our work or environment is worthless for us, toxic or simply does not bring us satisfaction. What is worth paying attention to?
Perhaps the periods of procrastination are due not so much to our lack of organization, but to the fact that a given life situation is simply not suitable for us. Does it make sense then to force yourself to act consistently? Or should we try to change our situation? Sometimes we fall into the trap of overproductivity and meaningless, thoughtless consequences in action. Perhaps it is worth stopping and evaluating our situation by distancing ourselves and analyzing what really does not work. Sometimes it is a signal to talk in the professional environment about a change in the concept of work and sometimes a complete change, for example, of the professional path. Procrastination can also be associated with our disapproval of a given situation! With our inner sense of ethics and professed by values us.
Procrastination is not just an organizational problem — it is often warning signalthat something in our work environment or life needs to change. It can be due to lack of motivation, inconsistency with our values or even resistance to excessive productivity pressure.
Instead of exclusively fighting procrastination with time management methods, it is worth look at its causes— whether it results from a lack of discipline, or perhaps from an unsuitable environment or career path. Only then can effective strategies for dealing with it be selected, both at the individual and organizational level.